A “1952” version of The (Marvel) Avengers that 007 fans might like

Admittedly, this post is barely related to James Bond. Anyway, in 2012, a big-screen version of Marvel Comics’ The Avengers is coming out. Over at YouTube, “whoiseyevan” has come up with a video of what a 1952 movie of The Avengers might look like. Bond fans will undoubtedly recognize a few clips, as would fans of The Avengers television show of the 1960s, Gerry Anderson’s ’60s programs and the extremely limited animated 1960s Marvel Super Heroes cartoons. Heck, fans of 1970’s Airport will probably notice.

Here’s a look:

Here’s a related video that shows all the Marvel Comics references. We’ll also note that Nick Fury as presented here is a combination of Adolfo Celi (from Thunderball) and Lee Marvin (from The Dirty Dozen). And Alfred Newman’s theme from Airport shows up as well.