IFP bringing out new hardbacks of Bond stories

Ian Fleming Publications said today it will bring out new hardback editions of Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels and short stories.

The books will be published Oct. 3, IFP said on its website. The company described them as “prestige hardback editions.” Covers are being designed by Michael Gillette.

IFP said the books are available for pre-order. Checking out the links, most list a price of £20 ($25.56) each. As of this writing, the links to Moonraker and The Man With the Golden Gun are 404 “Page Not Found.” Presumably, they will be fixed soon.

Also, as if 10:30 a.m. New York time, there was an error in Thunderball’s description. “In a race against time, James Bond must stop Operation Thunderball, SPECTRE’s deadly plan to destroy the world.”

In the novel (and the 1965 movie it was based on), Thunderball is the name of the operation by intelligence agencies to retrieve the two atomic bombs SPECTRE had stolen. “Every intelligence man all over the world who’s on our side is being put on this operation — Operation Thunderball they’re calling it,” M tells Bond in chapter eight.

IFP timed the announcement to the 116th anniversary of the birth of Ian Fleming.

4 Responses

  1. Any idea if these are the revised woke editions?

  2. IFP didn’t specify but my guess is they are changed.

  3. Thank you so much for all of your posts. IPF’s link to their “Privacy Notice” is non-functional. What is Bond without “Sex, Snobbery and Sadism”, adult beverages, cigarettes, gambling, driving beyond the posted speed limits, Benzedrine, etc.? Non-Functional!

  4. I liked when I could find the paperbacks that had cigarette ads in the center. Probably collectors items now! 🙂

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