Raymond Benson back in action!

© Dorchester Publishing

© Dorchester Publishing

If you have a taste for good-ol’-fashion two-fisted adventure stories — that means pulp fiction, kids, then the Gabriel Hunt saga may be just for you. Making his debut this month At The Well of Eternity, Hunt is a globetrotting adventurer of the old school. A man on a mission, living by his wits, fists, and trusty Colt revolver. He pursues treasure and glory, and finds danger and romance as well. He’s a literary cousin to Allan Quatermain, Doc Savage, Dirk Pitt, and, yes, James Bond.

And here’s why HMSS is excited about it (besides the fact that we dig this kind of entertainment, anyway)… our good pal Raymond Benson has “assisted” the titular Mr. Hunt in penning his latest adventure.
Hunt Through Napoleon’s Web. This is what we know of the story:

Of all the priceless treasures Gabriel Hunt has sought, none means more to him than the one drawing him to the rugged terrain of Corsica and the exotic streets of Marrakesh: his own sister’s life. To save her, Hunt will have to challenge the mind of a tyrant two centuries dead—the calculating, ingenious Napoleon Bonaparte…

Sounds cool!

Raymond Benson is the author of six original James Bond novels and three 007 Film novelizations. No stranger to the headlong-paced traditions of pulp adventure writing, he’s also done two of the immensely popular Tom Clancy Splinter Cell novels.

Hunt Through Napoleon’s Web will be published by Dorchester Publishing and is scheduled for release August 2010. You can read more about it, including a sample chapter, RIGHT HERE.