2023 high points at The Spy Command

The Spy Command’s Griffey the Griffin

What follows are some of the best 2023 posts at The Spy Command:

About James Bond fandom (Feb. 6, 2023): Short essay about the yin and the yang about older and newer generations of James Bond fans.

What does ‘James Bond will return’ mean for Bond 26? (Feb. 13, 2023): James Bond was killed at the end of No Time to Die. How do you revive the character for Bond 26? This post mentioned some of the possibilities.

Bond 26 questions (March 12, 2023): The blog raised strategic issues for Bond 26 (assuming it gets made).

Twilight of the JFK-Hefner era of U.S. Bond fandom: John F. Kennedy and Hugh Hefner helped fuel U.S. fandom for James Bond. But both are long gone.

Temptations following Fleming’s footsteps (April 11, 2023): There is a temptation for authors who follow in the footsteps of Ian Fleming to show everyone they know their Fleming.

Bond (and his rights holders) decide what to do next (May 21, 2023): Why it’s a weird time to be a James Bond fan.

State of the Bond franchise, summer 2023 (Aug. 15, 2023): The major questions — still unanswered at year’s end — about Bond 26 and Bond film franchise.

The resilient 007 fan (Aug. 20, 2023): A gathering of U.S. Bond fans in August demonstrates that American Bond fans, despite all the headwinds, remain committed.

Film Bond’s biggest enemy: Demographics (Aug. 28, 2023): The cinema James Bond may have an enemy he can’t defeat — demographics.

David McCallum, U.N.C.L.E.’s cool Russian, dies (Sept. 25, 2023): One of the most memorable actors of the 1960s spy craze passed away at the age of 90.

How film Bond may parallel movie Batman (Oct. 6, 2023): Bond 26 and the future of the cinema James Bond remains uncertain. But it’s possible film Bond may resemble cinema Batman.

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