Why Zack Snyder is wrong about James Bond

Zack Snyder’s Superman (Henry Cavill) in a filthy costume

Director Zack Snyder, after ruining the likes of Superman, Batman, and the Justice League of America, in a recent interview with The Atlantic, floated ideas he’d like to try with the cinema James Bond.

Most of that article is behind a paywall. But Variety provided a summary.

“It’d be cool to see, like, 20-year-old James Bond,” Snyder said. “The humble roots that he comes from. Whatever trauma of youth that makes you be able to be James Bond. There has to be something there.”

Earth to Zack: The entire Daniel Craig era (2006-2021) was all about exploring Bond’s roots.

Casino Royale? While Ian Fleming’s first Bond novel wasn’t a true origin story, Eon Productions (influenced by Batman Begins) filmed it that way. Eon opted to start the film series all over again. Goodbye, first 20 films of the series.

Skyfall? The 50th anniversary Bond film took its name from Stately Bond Manor, i.e. what was supposed to be Bond’s ancestral home.

SPECTRE? Eon, having gotten the rights to Blofeld and SPECTRE, came up with a ridiculous storyline where Blofeld was Bond’s foster brother.

No Time to Die? Daniel Craig’s Bond finale wallowed in the events of the Craig era.

Other than Quantum of Solace, the Craig films looked backward, rather than forward. You could make the case that Quantum also looked backward, except for just one movie (Casino).

So after all that, Zack Snyder says the film series should look backward? Again?

Snyder’s track record with Man of Steel (with Henry Cavill as Superman in a dirty costume), Batman v. Superman, and Justice League doesn’t give one a lot of confidence in his judgment.

Batman v. Superman saw Batman (Ben Affleck) go off his rocker trying to kill Superman until he realizes Clark Kent’s mother is named Martha, the same name his mother had. Martha?!

Justice League saw Snyder relieved from directing (though he kept the credit) after Warner Bros. ordered the film pared way back to about a two-hour running time. The revamped Justice League also had bad reviews. But at least Cavill had a clean costume.

Christopher Nolan, who produced the Snyder-directed Man of Steel, defended Snyder in The Atlantic story. “There’s no superhero science-fiction film coming out these days where I don’t see some influence of Zack,” he said.

Many Bond fans would love Nolan to direct a 007 film. Nolan said in November that’s not happening.

Whatever. Neither Snyder nor Nolan seem to be reading the room. Bond isn’t a “superhero science-fiction film.”

Yes, Bond movies, as far back as Dr. No, have had science fiction elements. Snyder may be the last person Bond fans want touching the franchise — assuming there is a Bond 26.

6 Responses

  1. I entirely agree.

  2. Well said! Top to bottom!
    All we need from the Bond film franchise, is a new young actor, another soft-reboot, who can pick-up where Brosnan left off.
    Goldfinger, Dr.No, etc. stay dead……BUT I would welcome an Ernst revival. Let’s just say he didn’t actually die, so here he is again, in all his soft-rebooted, dastardly infamy.
    The five Craig films can serve as a stand-alone re-boot side bar.
    Although I don’t like the general direction of the Craig films, I will say, the first 4 films, do at least serve as watchable stand-alone, Bond-inspired films, much like that other alternative Bond film, Never Say Never Again.

  3. I think Zack often gets a bad name, but his DCEU was an attempt to differentiate from the MCU model.

    That being said, he truly misses the mark with his comments on Bond as has been pointed out. It’s clear that he hasn’t done his homework or that he understands the franchise or what has already been done with the character. Further, his style does not fit a Bond film at all.

  4. Is there actually going to be another Bond? I’m not sure Barbara Broccoli has the energy to start another one nor the desire to sell the franchise…

  5. “It’d be cool to see, like, 20-year-old James Bond”

    These banal words perfectly reflect the creative bankruptcy of Synder.

  6. A 20 year old Bond would still be in world war 2, the movie would be a war movie until the end when he is recruited or joins MI-6. Not very Bond like. 

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