MI6 Confiential looks at GoldenEye

GoldenEye's poster

GoldenEye’s poster

MI6 Confidential is out with a new issue looking at GoldenEye, the 1995 007 that jump started the franchise after a six-year absence.

The issue has several articles on the movie, including an interview with director Martin Campbell.

GoldenEye was the first 007 film since 1989’s Licence to Kill. The hiatus had been marked by a legal fight and a financial reorganization at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Eventually after multiple script rewrites, a new Bond film finally went into production.

The film was Pierce Brosnan’s debut as James Bond, the start of a four-movie run in the role. It was also Judi Dench’s debut as M.

For more information about the issue’s contents and ordering information, CLICK HERE.

The issue costs 7 British pounds, $11 or 8.50 euros, plus postage and handling.

One Response

  1. this debut entry for pierce Brosnan as James Bond in ‘Goldeneye’ was certainly his best, everything was working for him, director Martin Campbell did an Excellent Job in Making the cast Members every much convincing that James Bond was back. However i still believe pierce Brosnan had one more bond movie left in him. After ‘Die another day’ i believe each time it’s being shown it dies another day.

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