Sony appears to confirm a SPECTRE spoiler

Like the headline says, this involves a spoiler. The spoiler adverse shouldn’t read.

Last month, a photo emerged of a SPECTRE spoiler, specifically involving a vehicle in the movie. The photo showed the vehicle during filming of SPECTRE.

On April 2, Sony Pictures Canada put out a Tweet that appears to confirm said vehicle will be in the 24th James Bond film.

For the spoiler adverse, this is your last chance to leave without seeing.

Here’s the tweet:

On Dec. 4, it was announced SPECTRE would feature the Aston Martin DB10, a limited-production model. Nothing was said about the Aston Martin DB5, which was blown to bits in the climatic sequence of Skyfall.

As you can see, Sony Pictures Canada tweeted a picture of the DB5 as it appeared in Goldfinger. So, it would seem Sony has confirmed the return of the iconic car yet one more time.

SPECTRE gears up to start filming in Mexico City

The official 007 Twitter feed confirmed the crew of the 24th James Bond film is about to get to work in Mexico City.

Amusingly, the 007 Twitter feed was chided by one fan for giving out a spoiler, namely that the movie’s opening will incorporate the Day of the Dead festival. Then again, when it’s officially announced, it’s not a spoiler anymore. Also, many photos have been seen over social media the past week of SPECTRE’s crew getting ready in Mexico City.

Here’s the Tweet:

Here’s how one fan reacted:

Meanwhile, the James Bond Brasil website tweeted out pictures of Eon Productions co-boss Michael G. Wilson and actress Stephanie Sigman in Mexico City.



Things we know about SPECTRE so far

SPECTRE teaser poster

SPECTRE teaser poster

No substantive spoilers, but super spoiler averse people should not even begin reading.

SPECTRE began seven months of principal photography on Dec. 8. That means we’ll soon be at the halfway mark of filming.

For other movies (say The Man From U.N.C.L.E. film) things would have wrapped up now. But this is a Bond film and one of the most expensive movies of all time. So here’s what we know as the halfway mark approaches.

This will be a new take on an old idea: At the Dec. 4 media event to kick off filming, nobody wanted to even acknowledge the story concerns the same criminal organization featured in early 007 films.

Earlier this month, Eon Productions co-boss Barbara Broccoli told Empire magazine the movie does feature that organization, albeit a new version. That’s not much of an admission, but it’s more than the principals were willing to say in December.

The movie includes an extensive, intricate car chase: The production this week wrapped up said car chase, involving an Aston Martin (driven by Bond) being chased by a Jaguar. Because the sequence was filmed on public streets in a major European city (Rome), a lot of video from the chase has ended u on the Internet. Some footage on the Internet (we’re not linking to it in this post) even shows how it finishes.

The Sony hacking is the 800-pound gorilla in the room: Eon’s talking point is that only an early draft surfaced in the computer hacking at Sony Studios, which is releasing SPECTRE. Based on the news accounts where reporters reviewed the script, that’s not the case. What has been written about is not the current shooting script (last-minute alterations are often made during filming). How close the script from the hacks is to the final version of the movie remains to be seen.

Given how expensive the movie is ($300 million or more, another fact that came out in the hacks), it’s understandable the hacking would be sensitive. Nevertheless, the hacking is a complication other 007 films haven’t had to deal with.

This is going to be a costly movie: Already, there has been footage shot in Austria, Rome and Pinewood Studios. There will soon be filming in Mexico, which we now know will include sizeable subsidies from the Mexican government (another fact from the hacks), as well as other locations.

Audiences won’t care as long as they feel they’ve been entertained. The executives (like the ones at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) who have to sign the checks for all involved, may be a little more nervous until the movie comes out in November.

The spoiler debate: the sequel

"I understand Rhett Butler doesn't give a damn."

“I understand Rhett Butler doesn’t give a damn.”

On March 6, we ran a post ABOUT DEBATES AMONG FANS WHAT CONSTITUTES A SPOILER. It turns out some fans are even more sensitive than we described.

We had a spoiler-free post (as in no plot details were disclosed) about the implications related to Eon Production, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Sony Pictures trying to maximize filming incentives from a government for SPECTRE, the 24th James Bond film.

The post included what government — Mexico — was involved. The disclosure that SPECTRE was going to film in Mexico was MADE IN THE DEC. 4 PRESS RELEASE JUST AHEAD OF THE START OF FILMING. An excerpt:

The 007 production will be based at Pinewood Studios, and on location in London, Mexico City, Rome and Tangier and Erfoud, in Morocco. Bond will return to the snow once again, this time in Sölden, along with other Austrian locations, Obertilliach, and Lake Altaussee.

On Facebook, we got a complaint that “having read it on that basis I now know the name of a country associated with the movie I didn’t know before…”

Here’s the deal. This blog really does try to be reasonable about spoilers. Potential spoilers are labeled as such. If anything, this blog errs on the side of the spoiler adverse when it comes to warnings.

But, when the spoiler adverse complain about information already disclosed in an official press release, that’s too much. If you’re that spoiler adverse, you should not just stay away from this blog. You should stay off the Internet.

Photo emerges of a SPECTRE spoiler


No spoiler in this post.

A photo emerged this weekend that contains a SPECTRE spoiler. By itself, it doesn’t provide any plot details per se, but many Bond fans will find it of note.

We’re avoiding the photo here. It apparently was taken on a public street. It has nothing to do with the car chase that has been filmed in Rome recently.

To view it, CLICK HERE to see a tweet of the photograph. You can also view the photograph AT THIS WEBSITE. Or yet another tweet from the JAMES BOND MI6 WEBSITE. Once viewed, it can’t be unviewed. So the spoiler adverse would be advised not to click on the link.